AutoMate technical innovative Enablers

AutoMate EU Project developed 10 technical innovative Enablers. AutoMate Enablers have been integrated and implemented on car simulators and real vehicles to evaluate and demonstrate the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of the TeamMate technologies in real-life traffic conditions.

Here below the list of AutoMate Enablers:

  1. Driver monitoring system with driver state model for distraction and drowsiness
  2. V2X communication
  3. Driver intention recognition
  4. Situation and vehicle model
  5. Planning and execution of safe manoeuvre
  6. Learning of intention from the driver
  7. Online risk assessment
  8. Interaction Modality
  9. TeamMate multimodal HMI
  10. Augmented Reality HMI


During AutoMate Final Event, the 12th June 2019, the participants of IV2019 had the chance to test VEDECOM and CRF vehicle car demonstrators with the implemented Enablers.

Click here to download the description of all the AutoMate Enablers.